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Artificial Intelligence: They create a robot prototype that identifies people’s emotions

A group of researchers from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), belonging to the Technology, Computing and Artificial Intelligence Group and the Do Minho University of Portugal, have developed a robot prototype that has the ability to detect the mood of a group of people with whom you are interacting. This ability allows the robot to enrich its knowledge regarding the environment, improving interaction with humans. In this way the robot can make estimates of the mood of a group of people and evaluate which of them are farther from this pattern in order to interact with them especially. An example of the behavior of this robot can occur in a children's party, the robot interacts with the children attending, evaluates the patterns of general emotions and if it is the case that a child is not with the same mood, interact on it to change your mood and try to homogenize the emotional state of the group. The robot incorporates a screen that reflects its emotional state, infrared radiation sensors, a camera for the identification of people, a LIDAR sensor and three raspberry pi, which constitute the "brain" of the prototype. International Project This work is part of an international project focused on the interaction of robots with humans. In this project, the Spanish-Portuguese team focused on the detection of emotions and their interpretation by computer systems. "The result of the monitoring of emotions is used in an innovative way in which it is intended to identify one or several emotional states of a group of people and how these states propagate over time. The robot interprets these emotional changes and he uses in his decision making, "says Vicente Julián, researcher at the Computer Technology and Artificial Intelligence Group of the UPV. Together with Vicente Julián, the team of UPV researchers Carlos Carracosa and Jaime Rincón complete. These results can be applied in numerous fields where an interaction between the robot and humans is necessary. The work developed by the Hispanic - Portuguese team received the IBM Excellence Award, within the framework of the PAAMS 2017 international conference (15th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi - Agent Systems), held in Porto at the end of last month of June and that brought together about 300 international experts in Artificial Intelligence. Source (The Economist)
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