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Sectorial Technical Standard for Sustainable Tourism NTS-TS 002 – 006. (CAP1)

En los ultimos años se ha regulado la reglamentación sobre la sostenibilidad turistica y ahora en...

Sectorial Technical Standard for Sustainable Tourism(CAP2)

EAH (Establecimiento de Alojamiento y Hospedaje)

Planetary Defense Office (NASA’S Planetary Defense System)

El objetivo de la Oficina de Defensa Planetaria es evitar que la humanidad sufra el mismo...

How to Install Prestashop in Hosting Dipzo

Artificial Intelligence: They create a robot prototype that identifies people’s emotions

Artificial Intelligence: Two versions of autonomous cars.

Public with LED matrix 8×8

  In this laboratory we had to present our name, the current year through a dynamic...

Public with matrix 8×8

Members: Camilo Lizarazo 47222 Edwin Rodriguez 32711 Anderson Palencia 33649 We make an alpha-numeric decoder using the...

Alf Göransson CEO of Securitas was declared bankrupt by impersonation

ALU Unidad Aritmetica Logica

    For the realization of this laboratory a code was generated in VHDL; In this,...

The European Parliament approves proposal to end planned obsolescence

VGA display with VHDL

  For this practice VHDL codes were generated creating a number of ROM memories where the...

Public with 16 segments

  Members: Camilo Lizarazo 47222 Edwin Rodriguez 32711 Anderson Palencia 33649 We make an alpha-numeric decoder using...

Smart parking

Este documento presenta el funcionamiento del prototipo de un parqueadero inteligente con interfaz gráfica

State machines

Realizamos un decodificador alfa- numérico

VGA monitor with VHDL

  Members: Camilo Lizarazo 47222 Edwin Rodriguez 32711 Anderson Palencia 33649 We make an alpha-numerical decoder using...

Japón propone crear una sociedad con energía basada en hidrógeno

After several tests carried out in the Japanese towns of Yokohama and Kawasaki, the group seeks...

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